When Microsoft needs help, they call KME Systems!

All kidding aside, KME Systems was honored by Microsoft to be the spotlight company for the western regional call for Microsoft partners on May 5, 2017. Every month, Microsoft does a great job of informing their partners so they stay equipped to take care of their clients.

KME is honored to be partner of the month and give back to the partner community with some of our knowledge. You must know your stuff to speak on this call and we are honored to be chosen.

One of the focus points this month is VoIP and Skype for Business has come a long way. You can now make and take calls from Skype, have voicemail, etc. It’s always improving and is becoming a great fit for some of our clients. We’ve been deploying VoIP since 1998, so have a bit of experience…

Truly partnering with Microsoft brings many benefits to KME and our clients. Most MSP’s simply resell Office365 and move on, however KME maintains strong ties to Microsoft so we can make sure our clients take full advantage of the technology they are paying for.

Here’s a real-world example. We started working with a building firm that had Office365. They knew it cold or so they thought! They were using email, Word and Excel all the time and getting great results for over a year. So, I said that’s great!! And followed up with asking how they were using Delve, OneDrive, Sharepoint, Yammer, Skype, OneNote, Project, Planner and PowerBI. I got a blank look from the 4 folks in the room.

“How much extra is all that stuff and what does it do” they almost said in unison. “It’s included in your bill now” was the first answer and then I proceeded to show them how these other applications might help them out. I also discussed a planned, proven process to train all their team members so they got real utilization and actual time savings make everyone less frustrated and more efficient.

It’s a great story for new clients to hear. We genuinely improved a firm’s processes by learning more about them, showed the thought leaders inside the firm what was available, then developed a training plan to make sure they got real usage going. All because we stay engaged with Microsoft and take the time to really learn what they do and how they can help a client

Do you need help from KME like Microsoft? Give us a call, we’re here to help


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