Why You Need a Dark Web Security Report Right Now

When we talk to prospective clients, one of the first things we do is provide them with a free dark web scan about their company’s email domain. Most people haven’t seen one of these reports, and we jokingly call it the “Piranha Report.”

Why piranha? Does it bite? Well, yes, it does. At KME, we have the ability to scan certain places on the Internet to see if any of your email accounts have been compromised. Prospects rip the reports out of our hands or call us in a panic, demanding immediate answers about the report.

Why? How did this happen? Am I in trouble? Can you erase this from the web? This is simply a wake-up call. It’s an opportunity to take action, and we start by walking through the report.

Your Data IS on the Dark Web

A dark web scan certainly isn’t perfect, but it’s a crucial first step in evaluating your security risks and potential breaches. The truth is, everyone who uses the internet has at some point had their credentials compromised—maybe a Starbucks login or Uber account. Data gets leaked. It happens.

Of course, what’s the big deal if your hotel loyalty account has been compromised? Well, many people reuse passwords or make them similar so they’re easy to remember. Look at the saved passwords on your smartphone right now. You might see security recommendations for compromised passwords—passwords that are somewhere on the dark web for sale.

Unfortunately, if your Starbucks account has a similar password to your Office 365 account, you could end up in a lot of trouble. So what can you do?

Get a Free Piranha Report from KME

Give us a call, and get your free dark web scan, and while we’re discussing what we find, we’ll give you some tips about proactive cybersecurity—things like password control software and multi-factor authentication (MFA).

We’re realists. We know people struggle with passwords, and we’re happy to help educate you and your team to secure your business and valuable data. Here are a few ways we can help after a Piranha Report:

  • Security Awareness Training: One of the most important things you can do to secure your data and business is provide cybersecurity training to your employees. We offer training programs to educate your team about cyber threats and best practices to avoid them.
  • Password Management Solutions: Simplify secure password creation and storage for your team.
  • MFA Implementation: We’ll help you set up and configure MFA to add an extra layer of protection to your business.

With the right tools and knowledge, you can significantly reduce your risk. Contact us for a free dark web scan and security consultation. Let’s work together to build a more secure future for your business.

—Mark Essayian, President and Founder, KME Systems

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