You Can’t Just Take Two Aspirin: Proactive Care for Your IT

Remember the old doctor’s advice: “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning?” Great advice for someone who may have had a little too much drink the night before—a little sleep and hydration will lead to a full recovery.

This logic works well for a person who isn’t really sick (just a little hungover), but it isn’t a sustainable way to treat the health of your business technology. No network, server, firewall, etc. ever got better on its own. Ignoring your tech health is dangerous, and hope is not a good strategy.

Protect Your IT Investments with Proactive Care

You pay a lot of money for new technology, and the adoption curve can be steep. When done properly, you can safely leverage your business to new heights while greatly reducing employee friction and frustration.

So you must properly tend to your technology for those gains to be maintained. At KME Systems, we believe prevention is the best medicine. That’s why we provide a full range of services to keep your IT healthy and secure.

You See a Doctor Regularly, So Why Shouldn’t Your Business?

Every good MSP will provide regular “check-ups” for your business IT. Here’s a glimpse into what we provide quarterly as your MSP:

  • Dark Web Scans: We run searches for your company domain and monitor the dark web for any leaks or sales of your company data. Early detection allows you to take swift action and mitigate potential threats.
  • Security Awareness Training (SAT): Your employees are your first line of defense. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, so we provide regular training to keep your team up to speed on the latest trends and how to flag potential threats quickly. An ounce of prevention through training can save you a pound of cure, so to speak.
  • Password Management Solutions: We provide strong password processes, including the implementation of multi-factor authentication (MFA). The goal is to add extra layers of security beyond simple passwords. It’s simple and just good practice.
  • Patch Management: Your systems require regular updates and the latest security patches to plug potential vulnerabilities. We ensure all your technology is running the latest software.
  • Access Audits: Limiting access rights within your network is vital to keeping your data secure. We remove admin access levels for anyone who doesn’t need it.

These measures seem simple, but we’ve seen plenty of companies ignore them, allowing small issues to snowball into major problems. For any good MSP—for us, these are basic necessities, keeping your technology healthy and secure.

Schedule a “Check-Up” for Your Business Technology

Take care of your technology and people, so they can take better care of your clients. Healthy technology translates to happy employees and satisfied clients. Taking care of your IT infrastructure ensures smooth workflows, minimal downtime, and protects your business reputation and data.

Conduct regular IT maintenance, and if you’re still trying to figure out how to start or want some help, give us a call. We’ll provide a free consultation and no-cost dark web review to get you started on your security journey.