KME joins the WSJ to boost cybersecurity

Recently, I was honored to present at and be part of the Wall Street Journal Cybersecurity event here in Southern California.

I’ll say this. The WSJ knows how to run an event very well. All the information was clear and concise, the speakers were subject matter experts—yes, that’s a shameless self-plug—and the content was very powerful.

As an MSP, you can never know enough about how to protect your clients from criminal activity.

Please note that I didn’t say “hackers.” I’m pushing our clients to properly identify this as criminal behavior. For too long people have approached this asking, “Why would they want my data?” or saying, “My business data isn’t worth that much.”

To put it bluntly, you are wrong.

These criminals are stealing your CRM data, internal employee information, taking your payroll funds, and more. Millions of dollars are lost every week.

There will be more to follow on this subject, but feel free to reach out to me to discuss now.

KME systems is committed to keeping our clients become off the growing list of companies that find out the hard way the cost of incomplete cybersecurity. Don’t be one of them.


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