Are You Wasting the Help of Good Managed Service Providers?

Are you getting what you’re owed from your MSP? Good managed service providers work to deliver proactive support, but we can’t fix what’s not on our radar. That means, your team needs to fire up the Bat Signal when problems rear their heads.

Sometimes, there’s a sense of disconnect about when it’s okay for client users to call for help from our MSP technicians. Unfortunately, that mentality can cost your business considerable amounts of money over time.

The Cost of Self-Directed IT Fixes

Gartner estimates that “for every tech support person on your staff, there are three or four end users” in other divisions helping with support. All the time spent and additional problems created by untrained tech support contribute to indirect business costs that amount to $4,000 to $6,000 per user pulled away from their regular duties.

Even if you personally handle all of the “little fixes” for your team, you are still wasting precious time. Is it more important for you to be adjusting monitors and updating email settings or overseeing projects and reviewing budgets? Saying “I’ll fix my computer” and diverting your attention from your high level duties costs even more than the wasted time of your average employee. So, reaching out to your MSP, especially, if you already have a managed service contract, seems like a no-brainer.

When to Ask Your MSP for Help

When I talk to other MSPs, one of the greatest concerns I hear is getting client users to speak up and let us know when something is not quite right or broken. The big ticket items are easy calls to make. Disaster recovery, new office 365 implementation, and new device installation on-site all obviously merit a call to your MSP technician. The pain point is high, so no one feels guilty about making the call. However, it’s the little fixes that we find client users are willing to put off.

Mostly, users only treat these issues as annoyances or wants (not needs). The types of requests that get put off are often similar to these issues:

  • I’m having a problem with my email sending messages to junk when I don’t want them in the junk folder.
  • My secondary monitor is flickering a little bit. It’s really annoying and distracting.
  • I want a longer patch cable so I can move my desk away from its place next to the printer.

We hear about issues like these when we are on-site fixing other problems, but otherwise everyone keeps these under wraps. The thought process is “I don’t want to bother your technicians with an issue this small.” But that’s all part of why you hired us: to fix technical issues large and small.

So, when you ask us to take a look at another issue when we’re on-site, we’re often glad to do it. However, if you notify us in advance, we can come prepared with the right tools or even fix the problem remotely with a much shorter turnaround time. It’s as simple as reporting your small problem with the online tool your MSP provided, and mark it with the proper priority. The fix is rarely any trouble at all.

Why You Should Work with the Best MSPs

Good managed service providers want to deliver on the promises they made to your management to keep their end-users productive and happy. We’ll automatically know about most large items and quickly fix them, but sometimes the smallest annoyance can become the biggest complaint. Tell us, we’ll fix. After all, you are paying for that computer support, so use it!

And if you want to start benefiting from the great outcomes that KME provides night and day, contact us and start your partnership with Orange County and Las Vegas’ premier IT Support team. We’re ready to serve you.


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