Entries by KME Systems

The Hidden Costs of Cutting Corners

If you only view IT as an expenditure, you’re robbing yourself of future returns. Quick, name a business that doesn’t depend on information technology. If you couldn’t think of one, that’s because there aren’t many. Some rely on IT to connect coworkers, while others use it to build multibillion dollar sales systems. So why do […]

Unleash Your RI with AI

I know what you’re thinking… What do you mean by RI? Enough with the acronyms! But bear with me for a second. RI stands for Real Intelligence. In other words, it’s you. RI allows you to understand human emotions, experiences, and intuition. It’s vital to the workplace, especially in communication, innovation, and collaboration. Cute acronym, […]

How Microsoft Copilot Boosts Your Productivity and Creativity

We’ve all heard the recent buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) and the massive impacts it’s having across industries, politics, and culture. It’s understandable that some folks may feel a little wary of this innovative technology, but it’s safe to say that it’s here to stay. That’s why businesses need to adopt AI-driven tools to stay […]

Why You Need a Dark Web Security Report Right Now

When we talk to prospective clients, one of the first things we do is provide them with a free dark web scan about their company’s email domain. Most people haven’t seen one of these reports, and we jokingly call it the “Piranha Report.” Why piranha? Does it bite? Well, yes, it does. At KME, we […]

You Can’t Just Take Two Aspirin: Proactive Care for Your IT

Remember the old doctor’s advice: “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning?” Great advice for someone who may have had a little too much drink the night before—a little sleep and hydration will lead to a full recovery. This logic works well for a person who isn’t really sick (just a little hungover), […]

What’s all this noise around Copilot?

Microsoft just wants more of my money, right? Well, yes, Microsoft does want more of your money, but that’s a given for any for-profit business. The thing is, Copilot can impact your bottom line in enormously positive ways—even to a point where it might feel like Microsoft is paying you to use it. I know […]

KME is now selling time machines!

Of course, you’re thinking, “time machine…sure.” But hear me out. I’m a Physicist by training, so I know a little about this topic. You might say there are only 24 hours in a day, and there’s no way around it. To that, I’d say maybe, or maybe not. I may not control time, but I […]

How secure is your business, really?

Face it—you don’t really know how good or bad your security is. That’s probably a scary thought for some of you and most certainly annoying to any IT professionals reading this who do know. But consider the why of this statement for a moment. Security isn’t as simple as setting cruise control. It’s a journey […]