Entries by KME Systems

Is your business data at risk? Don’t take chances with old tech

When you replace old computers or external drives, do you delete data and then just… get rid of them? You could be putting your sensitive data at risk. A new study by a data recovery specialist shows that millions of deleted files can be recovered from improperly wiped hard drives that are sold online. It’s […]

How Cyber Criminals Target Your Accounts While You Sleep

Have you ever felt frustrated by the flood of notifications from your multi-factor authentication (MFA) app? Well, cyber criminals have too. And they’re taking advantage of “MFA fatigue” to try to gain access to your sensitive business data. MFA is essential for keeping your data secure. It adds an extra layer of security to your […]

The Reality of a Breached Firm: Why Better Cybersecurity is Essential

In today’s digital age, the threat of cyber breaches looms over businesses of all sizes and industries. While many blogs focus on preventive measures and promoting security solutions, this article aims to shed light on the harsh reality that breached firms face every day. It’s time to confront the consequences head-on and understand why investing […]

Time to rethink the way data is shared in your organization

How do you share information within and outside your organization? If you’re still using email for this, you’re risking the safety of the data and the workplace productivity. It’s about time you switched to a better data-sharing solution suited to handle safe, quick transfers.

There are better ways to communicate besides email

It’s time to retire emailing as the primary mode of communication in your workplace. There is nothing wrong with email (if used appropriately). It’s just that there are much safer, and more versatile, communication solutions you could be using instead.

Top underrated apps from Microsoft 365

This blog post explores various Microsoft 365 applications that are less known but highly beneficial. Understand how you can use Delve, Microsoft Dynamics 365, OneDrive, SharePoint, and Outlook Online to boost productivity, save time, and increase efficiency.

Microsoft 365: Are you using it to its full potential?

Microsoft 365 is a commonly underutilized enterprise cloud solution. Many entrepreneurs don’t realize just how much they can do with Microsoft 365. If fully utilized, Microsoft 365 can meet most, if not all, digital workflow demands for remote and hybrid workplaces.

The mistake of making cybersecurity an afterthought

Are you confident in your organization’s ability to deter cyber threats? Thousands of cyberattacks happen every day; it might only be a matter of time until your business becomes a target. Make cybersecurity part and parcel of your business’s daily operations and long-term continuity plan.