You Can Improve Your Company’s Efficiency By Just Doing This

There is no way to improve your company’s efficiency unless you truly understand your own internal processes. Peter Drucker, acclaimed management consultant and author, said it very well: “What gets measured gets improved.

Without a full diagnosis and documentation of which processes your business does well or poorly, working at efficiency is little more than aimless tinkering. Though documentation is a simple concept, plenty of little time-wasters slip through the cracks without notice.

Where Documentation Gets Overlooked

Good MSPs deal with in-depth documentation on the regular; though they’ll need to acclimate to specific IT best practices from one business to the next, they should have the nose of a bloodhound when it comes to sniffing out inefficiencies. And their thorough documentation process should root out the little issues we all miss.

Take for example something as simple as tracking employee down time due to PC/Server/Internet issues. What is the default mode for employees when tech troubles impair their productivity? Some folks find ways to stay productive, but others use tech failure as an excuse not to do their work. Thorough employee documentation can reveal that slack. And so can a good MSP.

And when you’re using an MSP to eliminate productivity bottlenecks, you have a built-in reminder that support for your staff is only a call or email away. No longer can employees justify a 30 minute excursion on Facebook waiting for their cubemate to make an appointment to fix the printer.

Of course, not every process is easily measured. Yet the effort you put into learning the reality of your business yields greater objectivity and strengthens the ways you can leverage IT to improve your company’s efficiency. We know that technology isn’t a panacea, but understanding and prioritizing improvements in your firm can yield huge payoffs.

The Savings Can Surprise You

For example, some time ago we were bidding on a PBX phone system and we asked the prospect a simple question: What’s your bill for 411 calls? Our prospect was taken aback. How could that be important? We explained that the calls themselves cost money and, with the 250 employees on their team, those costs could add up.

The CFO had doubts about how material those costs would be, but she gave us the benefit of the doubt to investigate. Imagine her surprise when we revealed the bill was well over $300 a month! Considering that every staff member had access to a great CRM tool and a web browser, she was not happy about paying for information they could get for free. Not every example will be so stark, but we guarantee there are savings to be had.

How MSPs Can Improve Your Company’s Efficiency

As you can see, what you are able to measure makes a difference (Peter was right as usual)! Yet we know that when you are immersed in day-to-day operations, it can be difficult to get that essential bird’s eye view of your processes. That’s why having an objective IT services provider on your side is crucial.

We at KME Systems have worked to help businesses improve their documentation for 23 years and know where to look for wasteful processes. Rather than improve your company’s efficiency through trial and error, contact us today to bring in a managed service provider that can deliver fast results and save you money.


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