
Unified Communications Focus: VoIP

Voice-over IP is a disaster-proof way to set up your company’s phone system to ensure flawless communication in your business, promoting further maturation and growth.
Man sitting at laptop looking at statistics

5 things a good risk assessment should include

Effective risk management is essential in the fast-paced corporate environment of today. As regulatory standards are constantly tightened, it becomes necessary to mitigate risk as much as possible.
Technology Transition

5 steps to ensuring a smooth technology transition

Switching IT providers doesn’t have to be a bumpy ride; nor should you be chained to a provider that isn’t delivering. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth technology transition for your organization while minimizing disruption, downtime, and risk.

Why Your Business Needs a Security Risk Assessment

Simply put: a security risk assessment is a risk analysis performed on your network and cyber security measures to determine exactly how vulnerable you are, and just how difficult (or easy) it is to hack into your system

6 ways that restaurants can reduce cyber risk if you take credit cards

No matter the size, restaurants have attractive information in the form of customer credit card data. Restaurant owners can take strategic steps to reduce cyber risk. Working with cybersecurity experts can beef up your protection and could include these important strategies.
Businessman pointing with cybersecurity graphics

7 reasons why you need cyber liability insurance

If you're wondering whether it's worth investing in cyber liability insurance, here's everything you need to know about this relatively new policy coverage.
Doctors looking at clipboard

How to stay current on evolving healthcare compliance regulations

If you're legally obliged to abide by healthcare compliance regulations, it's your responsibility to stay current on any changes to the law. Here’s how to do it.
Gavel on top of computer microchip

Maintaining regulatory compliance with employee behavior

Federal government agencies issue thousands of rules every year. If your business is required to follow these regulations it can seem overwhelming keeping up with all the requirements. Here are tips on how to stay up-to-date and keep compliant.
Graphic of shaking hands with various colors

Is your MSP maturing as a business? - Because being “good enough” isn’t

Is your MSP maturing as a business? To become a truly helpful partner for business growth, you’ve got to ask the questions to uncover the truth of your MSP.

6 reasons why great MSPs partner with other great MSPs

It may strike you as counterintuitive, be the truth is that partnering with other managed IT services providers actually helps everyone—you, the competition, your clients and the community. In fact, if you commit to genuine partnership full-force, you’ll get way more out of it than you give up.